, "and she said..."

this is me -- an average girl .
these are mah words, thoughts, beliefs, etc .

i'm open to all opinions,
and i'd hope that you are too :) .

Sunday, December 27, 2009

--the |barbie| PROBLEM.

(before you form any opinion of me -- i love Nicki Minaj ; she's dope. this isn't about her, it's about the females who use her as an excuse to be FAKE.]

; sooo here's the deal.
everywhere i turn there's ANOTHER qirl idolizinq (Nicki Minaj]. another younq black woman puttinq hot pink streaks in her hair, paintinq her eyes like an Asian qirl. tell me WHY ladies? why is this sooo appealinq to the majority of females my aqe, and even some a little older?

let's break it down ;
BARBIE -- a piece of plastic w/ blonde hair, blue eyes, the "perfect body", and a toy for a husband. barbie's qot it all. the car. the clothes. the body. the dreamhouse. the man. the LIFE. ;
BXTCH, BARBIE IS NOT REAL!! she is a toy, made by some bored ass white woman who was tryinq to create the "perfect qirl" that she couldn't be. barbie ain't even american!! she's based off of a German chick!

buh i diqress ;
i've heard too many qirls pop off at the mouth wid, "I'm realer than anythinq you ever had," or somethinq to that extent ; buh they qive in to the hype. so tell me ladies -- how real can you be when you conform to the imaqe the media, and fellow female, has decided is -- THAT qirl.

it's scary to be oriqinal. alot of people preach about how if you don't know yourself, you're nobody. it's hard to stand up and say, "i'm 100% happy wid who i am" because the reality of it is -- most qirls aren't. whereas, if you jump on the bandwaqon and be "the barbie", immediately you're flaunted for beinq 'hip'. you don't have to deal wid the stress of expressinq your own opinions and beinq your own person -- you can be someone else and never qet reprimanded for it.

not anymore.
let me just say -- it's not cute. it's not funny. it's sad -- embarrassinq -- && pitiful.

no quy wants the qirl he saw 17 times on the way to pick you up. no quy wants the lesser form of Nicki (trust me, i know] -- he is perfectly content fantasizinq about the real Nicki Minaj. no quy wants to be the boyfriend of that "barbie bxtch" ; buh cut friend, maybe.

from one female to another -- it's a putdown to all the rest of us who strive to be different when we have to look at you wannabe Nicki's. why do you think everybody whispers when you walk past??

they're lauqhinq at you, not wid you.