, "and she said..."

this is me -- an average girl .
these are mah words, thoughts, beliefs, etc .

i'm open to all opinions,
and i'd hope that you are too :) .

Monday, March 8, 2010

Vent Session 1 -- TWITTER|FORMSPRING .

arite, so here lately a lot of twitshxd and formspring Qs have been irking the HELL out of me .

it all started off wid @TheRealAJeanius (funny AF -- follow him lol] talking about all of the fake twitter pages of him that he's found recently -- this is mah whole take on that ;

BE YOUR OWN PERSON !!! wdf you look like, tryna steal somebody's TWITTER identity ??? that's that kiddish shxd that children do then get they ass whooped for . like really -- it's JUST twitter . this is not real life . at all . atleast, not for most people . i mean yeh, he gets mad RTs for his roasts and jokes or w/e, buh he's just another person in the world like everybody else on twitter . and just like the rest of us, that shxd is HELLA annoying and it's ridiculous that some people hate themselves and their lives SOOOOOO much that they try to interrupt someone else's for a little bit of attn . let's grow up people !!

then it went into @Rawtacular (also funny AF !] saying something along the lines of "everyone has groupies, and a groupie's gonna stick up for who they like, no matter what" ;

i agree, to an extent . i understand that everyone has his/her favorites on twitter. shoot, i do -- just check mah "funny as shxd" list lol . all i'm saying is that to laugh at someone's jokes or RT them every now and again is fine, buh to ATTEMPT to roast somebody else just cuhz you are a #thirsty hoe is NOT CUTE . at all . it's just like slobbin a nigga down for a head nod -- wdf is the point ? and on top of that, half the groupie hoes on twitter don't even follow the funniest people !! it's just those sometime-y funny cats, ya know ? now ain't no subliminals or nada like that in what i'm saying, this is just how i feel, generally . that being said -- let me get you thirsty females a glass of water ; yall's mouths are getting dry .

and it ended up at formspring ;

so i'm on one of mah "little sister's" formspring page the other day and niggas are just smashin her wid all these off the wall ass questions -- i mean, truly RIDICULOUS . just saying the most vulgar shxd ever . the girl is 16 years old . df all these pedophiliac muhhfxhkers on her FS for ?! that shxd is not cool, dude . buh really doe -- i can't even fxhk wid the dudes cuhz the girls on FS ain't no better . just because you have the option of asking something anonymously does not mean you have to make the rest of us DECENT females look like we'll open our mouths and/or legs for anything worth putting in em . have some class, ladies . saying how bad you wanna fxhk or how wet a nigga makes you is NOT becoming . no dude wants to have a worthwhile relationship wid someone who 1. hides behind an anonymous voice and 2. gives it up over the NET, let alone in reality . #cmonson . as females, we have GOT to do better .

on another FS note -- if you're going to talk shxd about somebody, grow some balls and leave your name behind it . i know from personal experience (@MaxxnCheese lol] that petty people can and will resort to bumping their gums via the internet . me, personally ? ion fxhk wid the whole internet gangster scene . if i don't like you, i'll say it to you . if you don't like me, i truly couldn't give less of a fxhk . it's just so funny how all of these people claim to be so bad and so cool, buh they won't stand beside what they feel the need to say .
we're all adults here, for the most part . lets conduct ourselves as such, shall we ?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

--the |barbie| PROBLEM.

(before you form any opinion of me -- i love Nicki Minaj ; she's dope. this isn't about her, it's about the females who use her as an excuse to be FAKE.]

; sooo here's the deal.
everywhere i turn there's ANOTHER qirl idolizinq (Nicki Minaj]. another younq black woman puttinq hot pink streaks in her hair, paintinq her eyes like an Asian qirl. tell me WHY ladies? why is this sooo appealinq to the majority of females my aqe, and even some a little older?

let's break it down ;
BARBIE -- a piece of plastic w/ blonde hair, blue eyes, the "perfect body", and a toy for a husband. barbie's qot it all. the car. the clothes. the body. the dreamhouse. the man. the LIFE. ;
BXTCH, BARBIE IS NOT REAL!! she is a toy, made by some bored ass white woman who was tryinq to create the "perfect qirl" that she couldn't be. barbie ain't even american!! she's based off of a German chick!

buh i diqress ;
i've heard too many qirls pop off at the mouth wid, "I'm realer than anythinq you ever had," or somethinq to that extent ; buh they qive in to the hype. so tell me ladies -- how real can you be when you conform to the imaqe the media, and fellow female, has decided is -- THAT qirl.

it's scary to be oriqinal. alot of people preach about how if you don't know yourself, you're nobody. it's hard to stand up and say, "i'm 100% happy wid who i am" because the reality of it is -- most qirls aren't. whereas, if you jump on the bandwaqon and be "the barbie", immediately you're flaunted for beinq 'hip'. you don't have to deal wid the stress of expressinq your own opinions and beinq your own person -- you can be someone else and never qet reprimanded for it.

not anymore.
let me just say -- it's not cute. it's not funny. it's sad -- embarrassinq -- && pitiful.

no quy wants the qirl he saw 17 times on the way to pick you up. no quy wants the lesser form of Nicki (trust me, i know] -- he is perfectly content fantasizinq about the real Nicki Minaj. no quy wants to be the boyfriend of that "barbie bxtch" ; buh cut friend, maybe.

from one female to another -- it's a putdown to all the rest of us who strive to be different when we have to look at you wannabe Nicki's. why do you think everybody whispers when you walk past??

they're lauqhinq at you, not wid you.